Royal has undergone its initial certification audit for NADCAP AC7130 Measurement and Inspection accreditation on Tuesday, June 6th. This is a required audit performed yearly by a PRI auditor to ensure that the necessary requirements are being met in the digital inspection of fabricated products. This is an expanded requirement that seeks to validate the processes used to capture digital compliance of fabricated components for various industries. As the number of digitally designed platforms increases so does the need for validation.
The auditor verified processes, reviewed digital inspection equipment and interviewed the operators as he assessed compliance standards. In his review of these items he determined that Royal not only met all standards, but was without fault in any area and received zero findings. The auditor commented “that Royal’s preparation, documentation, and training are above average,” Quality Manager, Amy Eberle recalled comments that, “all operators were superior in their knowledge of the process, and understand the requirements very well.”
Another remark by the auditor was “the software Royal uses is considered the Cadillac in our industry. He mentioned it is a difficult program to learn and use, and it was apparent the operators were well trained” said Eberle.
Royal will also be undergoing an audit for continued NADCAP AC7118 Composites accreditation beginning Monday, July 10th. Royal is privileged to have a customer onsite in over 13 years for oversight of the audit process.